Why Choosing The Best Disinfectant Matters

Why Choosing The Best Disinfectant Matters

Today we will be talking about some disinfectant products/properties that are being used to disinfect schools, gyms, hospitals, farms, etc. Although we are still having the effects of Covid-19 and the changes it has brought with it, we still need to be aware of the many other bacteria’s, funguses, and other harmful diseases/pathogens that are spread daily through airborne and contact surfaces. With this being said I would like to go in detail about why it’s necessary to keep an open mind about the best possible disinfectants when applying them to your businesses and equipment. Being able to get disinfectants for cheap isn’t always the best. Below I will be giving you some reasons as to why it is important to think about what disinfectant is best for your business and why not to purchase it simply because it is inexpensive.

Reasons Your Current Disinfectant Is Hurting Your Business

1. Increased staff costs

Many times, when disinfecting a facility, it can be a full time job. Or in many cases, more than one full time employee is necessary. This is due, in part, to single use chemicals. Some institutions have a surface disinfectant, a disinfectant for equipment, a floor sanitizer, as well as a detergent.

This means that they have to be educated on each product, go back and forth to their cart for a new product, fill multiple bottles, dilute multiple solutions, etc. This process can be simplified, though, by using one all-purpose solution. You can cut down on the time it takes for disinfection and, in turn, on the costs associated with disinfection staff.

2. Increased equipment costs

No matter what type of chemical you are using to disinfect, it has some level of corrosive property. Because of this corrosiveness, it may react negatively with certain surfaces it is used on. For instance, with a bleach solution at the required disinfection concentration, pitting will occur over time on stainless steel. Although not often, this surface may need to be replaced. Where this is most evident is in sensitive medical devices such as clinical analyzers used in diagnostics, stethoscopes, or other frequently used equipment.

Again, at the concentration that is required for many disinfectants to be effective, coupled with the frequency of use, a breakdown of components inside the machine will be seen. This could include various valves and seals that require replacement. Instead, you should choose a chemical that has very high material compatibility, as well as effectiveness at low concentrations.

3. Increased chemical costs

The costs of chemicals is two-fold. One of the costs associated with this is the number of chemicals used, while the other is the amount of any certain chemical necessary to achieve disinfection.

As mentioned earlier, many different institutions use multiple chemicals to do one job. Often times, this is the cause of large chemical companies offering disinfection bundle packages, accompanied by an attractive rebate program. They are convinced that a different product is necessary for different areas of disinfection in order to sell multiple products. A rebate is then offered in order to “offset” some of the costs of all of these various products. Many times, in reality, only one product is necessary.

Another way that chemical costs can be high is the volume, or concentration necessary to achieve disinfection. Most disinfectants require over 1,000 parts per million in order to do this. Some even require as much as 30,000 ppm, or a 3% solution! Over time, much more chemical is required, costing the institution more money.

4. Increased healthcare costs

In an attempt to decrease some of the costs associated with disinfection, many establishments purchase cheap chemicals, or use less than is necessary. While they will experience an immediate drop in costs, the attendant healthcare acquired infections will eat up all of those savings, plus some.

These cheaper, widely-used disinfectants can many times allow microbes to build up a tolerance, spread, and cause infection. These infections can then be spread to staff as well as other patients. Thus, by spending a little more on a quality disinfectant, this scenario can be avoided.

Pure chlorine dioxide can address all of the issues mentioned above. This easy to use, multi-purpose, disinfectant is strong as well as highly compatible. If you would like to learn more, please visit http://www.selectivemicro.com/

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