Keep the surface and the air clean in the healthcare environment

Keep the surface and the air clean in the healthcare environment

Healthcare professionals understand the significance of proper disinfection techniques. Pure chlorine dioxide exists as a gas in its natural state and is highly soluble in water. Also it presents a non-corrosive, easy-to-use and more effective alternative than chlorine bleach. Working at fractional concentrations when compared to chlorine bleach, pure chlorine dioxide is able to simply kill more pathogens with less disinfection concentration. This  phenomenon provides a safer, non-corrosive alternative for surface disinfection in health-care facilities. Previously, chemical disinfectants such as formaldehyde-alcohol, phenolics, and iodophors were widely used but have since been demoted as preferential biocides, considering new data regarding toxicity and/or an inability to effectively eliminate some spores and fungi. The United States Center for Disease Control (CDC) identifies that surface cleaning should precede surface decontamination practice. It is necessary to consider which disinfectant product both adheres to CDC recommendations but also presents the best advantage for reduction in infections as a measure against cross-contamination.
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