Report Date: February 1, 2017
Ref: Strawberry Trial with In-Suit Chlorine Dioxide micro-reactor
Perform a test evaluating the benefits of chlorine dioxide, ClO2, with store bought fresh strawberries. Strawberries were brought from locate grocery store. A side by side comparison was completed with one control container and one treated strawberry container.
Testing Method
SMT purchases two strawberry containers from a chain grocery store on the 1/9/2017. The first container was set as the control and the second container was treated with ClO2, these were randomly selected. The ClO2 was generated using an in-suit ClO2 micro reactor. The micro reactor is designed to work off ambient moisture to generate ultra-low levels of ClO2 gas in the surrounding atmosphere. Each strawberry container was placed in an individual mini refrigerator. The refrigerator was monitored for temperature, which averaged around 40°F. The control container was placed by itself in one of the refrigerators. The treated container was placed in the other along with an in-suit ClO2 micro reactor next to the container. Each workday the strawberry containers were removed from their respective refrigerators and then weighted, observed, and photographed. The containers were removed for no more than a minute a day to help ensure the strawberries didn’t experience a drop in temperature due to being exposed to room temperature for a period of time. The trial was carried out for 22 days.
Day 1 both containers of strawberries looked great and had a bright fresh red appearance. By day 5 the control had a few strawberries that were starting to turn a dark red with some starting to wilt, but the treated container had the same appearance as day 1. By day 12 the control had signs of mold on a couple of the strawberries, and the treated container was just starting to have a few strawberries start to turn a deeper red. Day 16 the control had several strawberries that were molded and started to smell, while the treated container still had no signs of mold but a few more strawberries were getting redder in color. Day 21 the control had several strawberries covered in mold and had a strong odor. The treated container had its first signs of mold. Day 22 the control only continued to look worst, and the treated had a couple more strawberries that had signs of mold. Pictures below.